Hanoi Public Transport Management Center - Hanoi bus - Hanoi map
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Hỗ trợ trực tuyến
SĐT : 1900.6836
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Knowledge transfer, model installations are not sufficient for an efficient management of Public Transport Operation. TRAMOC and ist increasing staff are working under conditions of congestion. The office is still the same as it was, when Hanoi had just 32 000 passengers per day.


The partners and the EU delegation have urged the HPC to provide more adequate space for the office. ECOTRANS promised to finance the necessary technical equipment.

Finally, the city has agreed to a modest enlargement, which is to be implemented in december 2007.

Permanent presence of European experts

Knowledge transfer is facilitated by the permanent presence of French and German experts hired by Eco Trans project and working directly in the office of the Transport Management and Operation Center (Tramoc):


·         International Advisor: The international advisor, integrated expert for transport planning,

employed by the city of Hanoi, is an essential link to transmit knowledge and monitor the program progress and assist the management in carrying out its tasks.

·         Assistant director study centre: co direct the study centre (see bellow) and support project management

Creation of a study center

As most of the Public Transport Authority in the world Tramoc is responsible for planning of bus lines and bus stops location. However due to a lack of personal and data in the transportation and urban planning fields this task can not yet be fully carried out.


Ecotrans project proposes the creation of a specific office inside Tramoc responsible to conduct studies and surveys, to keep regular and updated information on rider ship, to observe the development of mobility and in general, to provide basic information on the development of urban transport in Hanoi, with a perspective to sustainable development .



Members of the study center are one European expert hired by the project, and two Vietnamese experts member of Tramoc’s planning department.



In order to carry out its missions the study center disposes of:

its own office space and computer equipments

a recent satellite picture of Hanoi and its region

a data base centralizing all the data related to public transport available in TRAMOC which has been created specifically by and for the need of the study center.


a Geographical Information System linking geographical and statistical data (see Marketing, Ticketing and Information)

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